
Only inclusive design is good design

One of the core aspects of the web is the ability make content available to all, to reach the few and the many. The very nature of our medium is intrinsically accessible and in our view, only design which delivers on this promise can be considered successful. Accessibility and inclusion is a way of thinking and we hope you will not find any problem with our website. If you do, please get in touch.

Any issues? – please let us know.

We designed and built this site to be easy to use by everyone, whatever your needs. We have thoroughly tested this site and aim to meet the WCAG 2.0 {{Web Content Accessibility Guidelines}} as outlined by the standards body of the W3C {{The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community who work together to develop Web standards.}}. We hope you will not have any problems perusing our content. However, it is impossible to foresee all circumstances.

If you do find any issues, we would love to know. Please get in touch with Jo at jo.bates (at) ~ we’d like to fix the problem if we can.